
好心地文創前身為一家視覺傳達設計公司,創辦人兼執行長黃奕杰希冀在傳統產業裡尋求設計注入的可能。於是在2013年成立了第一家臺灣在地文產概念店「好,的」,於2015年正式登記好心地文創有限公司,以社會設計方式振興在地工藝,提供地方創生另外一種可能,並以實地踏察挖掘臺灣隱藏寶石(Hidden Gem)為目標努力至今。

「好,的」本著「宣揚、扶持獨立創作者的理念」,以實體店面結合網站力量,開設公平交易平台「好,的」 ,依工藝家和小農自訂價格販售商品, 僅收取管理費,作為持續發展營運基金;同時設立「好學堂」引入工藝家至社區,開設傳習工坊課程。

好,的 目標 Our Mission


Howdy長期協助育成微型工藝及食農品牌,在與工藝家共進的過程,好心地文創感受臺灣土地創意被理解認同的喜悅,也加深確信臺灣土地創意的不可取代性。經過兩年多試驗,好心地文創終於在2015年展開分身護植計劃,走入更貼近創意源頭的南方,在高雄駁二藝術特區開設「好,的 駁二旗艦店」,正式踏出「一城一店、限地文產」的第一步。

To see good people and good things, And bring back the confidence in Taiwan!

Walking in “Howdy”, you cannot help but be attracted by the ingenious products or the crafts. You will also be surprised that the artisans are all from Taiwan.

“Howdy” visit the place of origins and the factories to excavate the creations, which are worth be seen or potential no matter from the ordinary person or the craftsman. They use the knowledge of design to package the creations and use it to add more value to the local designs. Because these people are adamant to prove that there are good crafts in Taiwan, “Howdy” promote the agriculture products and human interest with a will. It makes these goods things to be seen by more people and wish to get back the confidence in Taiwan. This is the thing that “Howdy” wants to do.